Willi Probst Bakery, Café & Restaurant i Walvis Bay

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaWilli Probst Bakery, Café & Restaurant



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C/o Theo Ben Gurirab St and 12th Rd, Walvis Bay, Skeleton Coast, Namibia, Walvis Bay, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 202 744
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -22.95656, Longitude: 14.50466

kommentar 5

  • Suna Louw

    Suna Louw


    Popular German speciality restaurant. Been here forever. Always comes recommended when visiting Walvis Bay.

  • Darryl Kotting

    Darryl Kotting


    Had a quick lunch here.... Service was quick and the plate of food was ample.... Almost too much if you still have to go back to work.... Luckily I am on holiday....

  • Ludwig Fortmuller

    Ludwig Fortmuller


    Service not great, it seems they are relying on their reputation of yester year. Have not moved with the times and feels a bit dated... Food is authentic though and well priced.

  • Warren Elmo

    Warren Elmo


    Food was good. Poor service though. Waited for 15min to put in a drinks order. Waited much longer for the food. Asked for hot sauce which never came. Ended up finishing the meal without it

  • On The Map

    On The Map


    Great restaurant and bakery in the heart of Walvis Bay, and also part of the town's extraordinary history. The food is great and the atmosphere brilliant, service is a bit slow, but that's not all bad, as it gives you time to relax and enjoy the better things in life. Wonderful place to kick back and see locals and tourists interact.

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