Artisan Bread, Bakery & Coffee Shop i Walvis Bay

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NamibiaArtisan Bread, Bakery & Coffee Shop



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17 8th Street East (Hage Geingob Street Light Industrial Area, Walvis Bay, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 221 227
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Latitude: -22.9449901, Longitude: 14.5160735

kommentar 5

  • Charles van Zyl

    Charles van Zyl


    Nice and cosy place with good pies

  • Johan van Breda

    Johan van Breda


    Friendly service and freshly baked products, love the location it is out of the rush. Thanks you guys

  • Carlos Shatyohamba

    Carlos Shatyohamba


    It's a very clean n tidy place. Very suitable for lunch. It's the Location that's a problem but rather than that it's a good place to eat

  • Julian Rohas

    Julian Rohas


    Food is great and also verry convenient to a persons everyday life since its in the industrial area

  • Estelle Terblanche

    Estelle Terblanche


    One of the most pleasant & friendliest coffee shops in Walvis Bay. Definitely a sensory overload with all of the smells, sounds, tastes, textures and atmosphere . I can't begin to describe the warm feeling you get when you first enter the store, drinking in the aroma of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee. You feel welcome from the word go. I can truly recommend this gem of a place to local and traveller alike.

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