Okonjima Plains Camp i Otjozondjupa Region

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NamibiaOkonjima Plains Camp



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Okonjima Game Reserve 200 square kilometres amongst Omboroko Mountains, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 67 314 000
internet side: www.okonjima.com
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Latitude: -20.8570706, Longitude: 16.6450176

kommentar 5

  • pepowerr NL

    pepowerr NL


    Service is really 5 stars worth. Personnel is very kind and correct. You feel true luxury there with the perfect location, personnel and animals around you. I would really recommend this location to tourists

  • Rami Mittelman

    Rami Mittelman


    The accomodation and facilities are luxurious. Everything is large, with hood style. Food is excelent. The Leopard tracking game drive was fantstic. We could sèe a leopard and hayna

  • Mark Walford

    Mark Walford


    Loved this place.. great walks and of course the on site Africat foundation

  • Andy Taylor

    Andy Taylor


    Loved this place. Yes it's far more slick than many other lodges in Namibia, but it's clearly set up for the benefit of the big cats - and you'll get to see them far closer than elsewhere. The rooms are big and comfortable with views of the plain, but that's just filling time between the excellent drives. It's all quite relaxing and easy after Etosha - but that's fine. Just go with the program, relax and you'll have a great time 🙂 (it's probably one of the most wheelchair accessible hotels in Namibia too)

  • Alexandra Schimanski

    Alexandra Schimanski


    Great Lodge and overall experience. Top service, loved the rooms with a view. Top food quality. Entire setup very elegant African concept. Love the nature preservation concept and the community engagement. Always we will love to visit again!

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