Omboroko Campsites i Otjozondjupa Region

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaOmboroko Campsites


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Okonjima Nature Reserve,, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264
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Latitude: -20.8370748, Longitude: 16.6527

kommentar 5

  • Lynne Bosman

    Lynne Bosman


    Was amazing

  • Tracy Kardolus

    Tracy Kardolus


    Very nice campsite establishment. As you arrive at your allocated campsite the camp manager comes and says hi and checks that everything is in order. Each camp site has its own bathrooms and kitchen area with hot water. There is a really nice pool. At sunset take a hike up the mountain to look out over the beautiful property. The camp sites are very far apart from each other and has a very quiet and private atmosphere.

  • Yildiz



    The omboroko (at the okonjima nature reserve) is absolutely phenomonal. You feel so much part of nature. The facilities are great and clean (Shower, toilet, kitchen). We had an oryx visiting us at our campsite. It's the home of the Africat Foundation, also well worth a visit.

  • Krzysztof Nowak

    Krzysztof Nowak


    Huge camp spots includes all facilities - shower, toilet, sink, electricity. Spots are separated by bushes so it's even more private

  • Mattias Morin

    Mattias Morin


    Huge private campsites with own shower and toilet. And a pool that is shared between the four campsites

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