Acacia Park i Otjiwarongo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaAcacia Park



🕗 åbningstider

Otjiwarongo, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 67 303 100
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Latitude: -20.4654634, Longitude: 16.6533915

kommentar 5

  • steve r

    steve r


    DO NOT STAY HERE. We were robbed here at night by a man throwing a rock through our window and stealing our belongings, was very traumatising. Made worse by the fact the security guard was sleeping and had left the gate wide open. However management did nothing to appease the situation. This place is not safe!

  • Dennis Laidler

    Dennis Laidler


    Absolutely awful ablutions. Filthy beyond description. Manager's kids on quad bikes driving around kicking up dust in the campsite. Avoid this place if humanly possible

  • Francois Brand

    Francois Brand


    This is the most terrible place I have ever been.. They charge 350 for a room, but there is nothing besides 2 beds.. They call it a rest camp but no resting is happening at this place were you pay so expensively.. Worst showers and toilets.. Dont even want to use them. Seriously don't know how they are still open

  • adri strooh

    adri strooh


    Bad bad bad. How they have the guts to even advertise the place blows my mind! Minus stars.

  • Sonja Jacobs

    Sonja Jacobs


    Very Basic.. No good showers and no mirrors to look in, very high up.

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