Woermann Brock Ae Gams i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaWoermann Brock Ae Gams



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Sam Nujoma Drive, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 376 100
internet side: www.woermannbrock.com
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Latitude: -22.5717271, Longitude: 17.1019112

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ansta Gabathuler


    Easy shopping for me on my way to hotel...

  • en

    Sabine Jahnke


    Some German products are cheaper there. Biggest pulling Point international pharmacy.

  • en

    Annette Beyers


    Once upon a time this was a wonderful place to shop, but these days I would rather drive all the way to Spar at Lifestyle Centre than shop here. The quality has gone down significantly, the produce area smells like sour milk ALL THE TIME and they never have what I'm looking for. Woermann Brock used to be a high-class store, but these days I would rank it far below Checkers and Shoprite in terms of quality and presentation. Price is still above average though.

  • en

    laurence pieters


    Service poor too few till operators. Teach them to smile and be more friendly

  • Milton Louw

    Milton Louw


    Large variety of goods from local to international with a great coffee shop. Ample parking and good security. Children are tolerated and parents can shop with peace of mind

nærmeste Supermarked

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