Superspar Maerua i Windhoek

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NamibiaSuperspar Maerua



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Centaurus Street, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 383 000
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.5847581, Longitude: 17.0914173

kommentar 5

  • en

    karen loubser


    Lovely shopping experience, excellent deli area, fresh bread and brotchens, makes sushi freshly on site, coffee bar and pizza/food section. Also well stocked health foid section

  • Annarie Viljoen

    Annarie Viljoen


    They always have what I want. From foreign cheese to delicious ham... and the best part: freshly baked bread every day!

  • jenna incorvaia

    jenna incorvaia


    Terrible. Service shocking except for a shining light of a young manager that actually gets stuck in to assist all over the place. Food was average. The coke had no fizz in from their tap. To top off the disappointment the mall changed its road markings and I was flashes and cussed by who I find out was the owner. Please note Mr owner there were no signs up to say the road markings had changed. As it has been a while since I was at this location.

  • Maix 13

    Maix 13


    I always love shopping here because of the variety and affordability. There are a lot of imported foods, especially German. Huge variety of cheeses. If you cant get it here, you won't get it anywhere in Windheok. They have a little cafe which serves amazing food and drinks. The vegetables are on the pricier side, but they are worth the money. Fresh, delicious and there is a good variety. There is a liquor store and a health food store in the shop.

  • Luke Toscano

    Luke Toscano


    It has imported products, specially from Germany . Good variety and quality but the prices are higher than the other supermarkets in the region. There is a self-service restaurant and a butchery. There is the best place for finding very specific product e.g. Japanese food ingredients and Swiss chocolate.

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