Tiger Reef Campsite i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaTiger Reef Campsite


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Südstrand Street, Swakopmund River Mouth, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 81 337 7137
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: -22.686804, Longitude: 14.523716

kommentar 5

  • John Woodman

    John Woodman


    Great campsite, located on the beach, very good amenities, only downside is the fine sand of the individual sites gets in the tents...

  • Nickk Lefrancois

    Nickk Lefrancois


    I give it 4 stars just because I personally think the campsites are small... But the showers there are really big and great! There's a beach really close which is really nice!

  • en

    Chris Bunn


    Well Located you can walk around the town from here. The camp site is clean and tidy. Electricty on eatch pitch which are close to eatch other but are ok. Nick the manager was very nice and helpfull. We planed to stop 1 night but stayed 3 and enjoyed our stay.

  • Bruno Nepo

    Bruno Nepo


    Clean and simple. Not very spacious but well located near the beach and good restaurants. Strange not to have electricity in each campsite when you're actually in the middle of the city.

  • en

    alexandre peaudeau


    Nice efficient clean campsite near the beach

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