Mile 4 Caravan Park i Swakopmund

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NamibiaMile 4 Caravan Park


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North Ring Road, Vineta, Swakopmund, Skeleton Coast, Namibia, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 461 781
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.62357, Longitude: 14.52528

kommentar 5

  • Herold Stanley Binda

    Herold Stanley Binda


    Best holiday destination ever. I love the service, December's are special.

  • Thomas Janse van Rensburg

    Thomas Janse van Rensburg


    Still one of the nice and cheap self-catering accommodation in Swakopmund. Enjoy always my stay so close to the water.

  • Tanja van Dyk

    Tanja van Dyk


    The last place I will ever stay. No trees, no grass, just sand. I understand it is the desert, but Mile 4 makes absolutely no effort for shade or to beautify the place. We booked online before the time only to be dissapointed with the facilities and camp when we got there. We turned around and checked into a guest house. Definitely for a different target market.

  • Tertu Ndokosho

    Tertu Ndokosho


    The bungalows offer a safe, private and homey feeling. Beautifully constructed.

  • en

    Denzil Pretorius


    Close to the sea, well maintained kitchen,laundry and braai facilities. It is a very good camping site

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