The Royal Bull i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaThe Royal Bull



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Daniel Tjongarero Avenue, Swakopmund, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 405 141
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Latitude: -22.6771239, Longitude: 14.5268936

kommentar 5

  • Hélène Ledergerber

    Hélène Ledergerber


    Good food and fast & friendly service

  • Stefan Redecker

    Stefan Redecker


    Great burgers and superb atmosphere! Cello is Baas!

  • Annerene B.

    Annerene B.


    Very dissapointed. Not one drink available which I ordered, NOTHING! No other choice, but to leave without dinner. There goes date night....😕 on the table a dirty candle holder, no candle. Serious guys, you will need to get the basics right. !!!And your motto is??? NOT!!!!

  • Risto Mongoya

    Risto Mongoya


    Friendly staff. Good beer and nice atmosphere

  • Anna-mari van Zyl

    Anna-mari van Zyl


    This was our 3rd visit. Previous 2 can have a 4star. But this one was a disaster. A formal booking was made 48 hours in advance - it was not acknowledged when we arrived there on 28/12/2018. No good experience from the waiter either. He is actually a cook. We ordered spare ribs....which was not available. No indication was made of this anywhere in the restaurant or on the menu. We live in Swakopmund, and will definitely not go there again.

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