Ocean Cellar i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaOcean Cellar



🕗 åbningstider

waterfront, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 411 4532
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Latitude: -22.6753945, Longitude: 14.5223569

kommentar 5

  • Chiara Matteucci

    Chiara Matteucci


    Excellent food. Oysters are delicious as well as fish. If you are in swakopmund this is the best place to come.

  • Sandy Amgabes

    Sandy Amgabes


    I think, I'm in love. I really wasn't planning on stopping by but the view was very inviting and i couldn't resist. I immediately got attended too and my waiter Moses was just great, in all aspects of providing conversation and very great recommendations in regards to the menu.

  • Tanja Reinhardt

    Tanja Reinhardt


    Stunning location. Stylish interior. Excellent seafood and sushi. Great service. If you come to Swakopmund you must visit this place.

  • Maria Moses

    Maria Moses


    One of the greatest restaurant experience ever. Hospitality is top notch and the food is amazing. The sushi was so worth it. The apple desert definitely speaks for itself. Shout out to our Host, Thomas

  • Babette Taljaard

    Babette Taljaard


    The service was quite slow and the waiter was missing in action. But my soup... that was a good soup. Would love to visit again. The atmosphere is relaxing and soothing for the soul.

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