Tambuti Lodge i Rundu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaTambuti Lodge


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PO Box 1826, 1123 Tutungeni, Rundu, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 66 255 711
internet side: www.tambuti.com.na
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Latitude: -17.909775, Longitude: 19.765079

kommentar 5

  • Marisa De Waal

    Marisa De Waal


    Place was clean and staff friendly. Food is traditional but clean. Safe and nice garden.

  • en

    Anni K


    The hotel area looks nice and safe. Check in was not too friendly and we were asked to pay the room, although we had paid in advance, but ok, we could solve this. Half of the menu was out and we had to chose dinner as it was a public holiday. Room and bathroom were good, bed was very comfortable. The door could not be closed properly, just by locking it. It is close to the river, but there was a "party" going on, which was a bit loud. Food was OK, we loved the starter, but I was not a fan of my main course. Breakfast was very good. Wifi is only available at the reception/restaurant area and is quite bad. They switched it of at 8pm, when they finished their day, which I found not helpful and did not understand. I mean people do not stop using hotels due to public holidays. I would not stay there again, just because I did not feel welcomed, but it is a good place to stay (if you don't need internet).

  • pieter peypers

    pieter peypers


    Good service and friendly staff. Nice local meal options.

  • en

    Epifania Murwira


    Tambuti was really nice. Very green with various plants and hedges. Traditional food was awesome, we thoroughly enjoyed tasting something different and we'll-prepared...hibiscus juice and relish! Well done to Veronica for being so welcoming and courteous!!

  • en

    Tania Steinkopf


    Avoid! Avoid! If you value a quiet night's sleep, this is not the place to stay. Locals nearby kept their party going until after midnight. Menu is not for the unadventurous.

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