Kavango River Lodge i Rundu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaKavango River Lodge


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1A Fish Eagle Street, Rundu, Namibia, Rundu, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 66 255 244
internet side: www.natron.net
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Latitude: -17.9120835, Longitude: 19.7597256

kommentar 5

  • en

    sitarara erevainvestment-cc


    It's located on higher grounds along the river and has a nice view of the river and sunset.

  • Herman Oosthuizen

    Herman Oosthuizen


    Very nice, clean, friendly staff and very helpful. We stayed 2 nights and was amazing. Beautiful view, best view over the Okavago river. Will stay here again and again.

  • Jade Rickerts

    Jade Rickerts


    The place is clean and tidy. The rump I had for dinner was a bit chewy. Most of the channels on the TV didn't work. Great view of the Kavango river.

  • Joseph N. Kashamako

    Joseph N. Kashamako


    Great view, food, rooms very basic. Need to introduce more channels on the telly and get flat-screens in there...#12

  • M Nur

    M Nur


    The food was okay but the view was great. **Update: Came back to this spot and the view was definitely worth it. Do come here before sunset to enjoy the view as well as the sunset. Unfortunately the food is a mixed bag so try your luck but the food is very oily. I am also guessing they delay the food to get you to order more drinks than you normally would, the wait time was worse than any other venue in the city. Stick to your drinks and enjoy the view, you will be better off for it.

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