Savanna Car Hire i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaSavanna Car Hire



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Trift Street 80, Southern Industrial, Windhoek, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 229 272
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Latitude: -22.57838, Longitude: 17.082691

kommentar 5

  • en

    Luke Camery


    Gorgeous, brand new car. Spacious and well equipped for a ten day trek across Namibia. The car drove comfortably and the tenting equipment worked well. The only issues were that our jack was insufficient for our one tire blowout. The fridge also failed to keep things more than moderately cold. The bedding described as sufficient was lacking a pillows, which was very perplexing.

  • Dudu Edri

    Dudu Edri


    Great staff, cars in good condition a nd new. Good service.

  • Mayra Amboni

    Mayra Amboni


    The car was in great condition, though we had some electrical problems. We spent some time to fixed it, we had no problems getting refunded by savanna. Great experience!!!

  • en

    Ralph Würger


    We rented a camping car for two weeks. Nothing to complain, the equipment was extensive with everything you need. The car handbook was very detailed and we never had problems with tge car. Perfect way to discover Namibia by your own. The car tent was on the roof and pretty easy to open and close.

  • en

    S. Rode


    We did detailed research and got several quotations for our 3 weeks self drive through Namibia and have decided for the 2016 Toyota Hilux with one rooftent from Savannah. They offered the best price and best email correspondence. Reservation and payment was easy. remember to have a high daily limit on your credit card so they can freeze the excess. The car itself was very clean and in very good conditions. 55.000km and all the extra (camping) equipment was in great. You just need a sleeping bag and pillow. Return was easy and quick. The free and reliable airport pick up and drop off was great. The staff is friendly and helpful speaking English and German. I can highly recommend Savannah.

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