Bidvest Car Rental Eros Airport i Windhoek Downtown

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaBidvest Car Rental Eros Airport



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Aviation Road, Windhoek Downtown, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 228 720
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.5983557, Longitude: 17.0832933

kommentar 3

  • Mark Horner

    Mark Horner


    Yep as the others have said. Company is not professional not even an address to pick the car up from in Windhoek...they have lost a month's hire of my business and probably gained a couple do expensive dummy bookings forwasting my time and this review

  • en

    Torben Kinder


    Worst service I have ever seen in rental cars! Called me and said the car I booked was not available in the location I booked so I said I would pick up in another place. Then was told it is a higher class and asked me to pay extra! Next thing the different location meant additional 2h to get the car which lead to them asking me to pay an additional day! Funniest part was the guy calling me saying the call was their "service " to warn me ahead. Honestly no other rental company ever even tried to charge for an upgrade not even mentioned but simply did at no cost....... ridiculously poor service!!!!!! Do not book here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    carlo andrew


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