Ohenge Namibia Lodge i Tsumeb

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaOhenge Namibia Lodge


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B1 Namibia between Otavi and, Tsumeb, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 81 261 6738
internet side: www.ohange.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -19.516051, Longitude: 17.572311

kommentar 5

  • Matthias Meyer

    Matthias Meyer


    Ist einer unserer Lieblingsplätze. Karla ist eine tolle Gastgeberin. Sind schon das zweite Mal hier, aber nicht das letzte Mal

  • Johan Riekert

    Johan Riekert


    The lodge hostess, Carla, and her staff made our stay most memorable. Nothing too much for them. In short, clean, well maintained and good facilities, The delicious "homemade" food topped it all. Will definitely return.

  • JL Hospitality Consulting

    JL Hospitality Consulting


    Great and relaxing stay at Ohange Namibia Lodge. Karla, Justus and all their fantastic staff really know how to take care of their guests. We will be back.

  • Pincky The Brain

    Pincky The Brain


    Wow, from the family room, the sundowner's, the dinners with Theopolina, the great breakfast. You have to go there to live this dream of a place.

  • Schalk Nell

    Schalk Nell


    The staff makes you feel like family

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