Ghaub Nature Reserve & Farm i P.O. Box 1549 Grootfontein

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NamibiaGhaub Nature Reserve & Farm



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D 3022, Otavi mountains, North Namibia, Namibia, P.O. Box 1549 Grootfontein, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 67 240 188
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Latitude: -19.470936, Longitude: 17.749786

kommentar 5

  • Willem Veldhuis

    Willem Veldhuis


    Fabulous place, quiet with lots of birds and monkeys. The scenery is amazing, green with hills, as is the food the hospitality and lodges. A must see and stay in Namibië

  • Andreas Riedner

    Andreas Riedner


    The Ghaub Guest Farm was the last stop on our Namibia trip and it was just the perfect place to end our journey. The huge and very well-kept area including all the nice and caring staff assured a relaxing atmosphere from the first second. The whole concept of combining several branches like guest keeping, farming and agriculture while employing local people is of course quite impressive and something really worth supporting. And don't miss the rhino drive trough the farm's own resort!

  • Karin Senke

    Karin Senke


    Venue senic, beautiful and clean. Food in Restaurant avarage and service friendly but poor.

  • Gernot Bacher

    Gernot Bacher


    Beautiful Place with nice pool. Quiet and Lots of animals sei und.

  • Øystein Gjengset

    Øystein Gjengset


    Excellent service, very friendly and helpfulll staff. Cave exploration is highly recommended.

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