Woolworths Wernhil Park i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaWoolworths Wernhil Park



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Ndemufayo Avenue, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 220 905
internet side: m.wfs.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -22.5668054, Longitude: 17.080484

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rina Rietz


    Quality clothes and fresh food...toiletries and shoes..go shop at this place it is worth your money...

  • en

    zhiheng wei



  • Bruce van der Nest

    Bruce van der Nest


    Slowest Woolworths time and again wrt till and payment and always frustrating.

  • Phillip Oosthuysen

    Phillip Oosthuysen


    Pity they don't stock fresh food here....

  • Elizabeth Novak

    Elizabeth Novak


    Good morning! I opened my woollies acount as a young mother and more 30 years down the road im still with you, i still have my old card which shows my loyalty to the store. i am a pensioner now, but still love your underwear. I dont keep slips unless i change my mind on an item. I bought a rather expensive bra sometime in last year,i wear it seldom, but the stitching is coming loose, highly disappointing. what happened to the quality which drew me to Woolworth's in the first place.. Greetings. Elize Novak. ( i remarried on my 60th birthday 2015, but my account is still on my previous surname, Ellitson)

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