The Secret Garden Guesthouse i Swakopmund

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NamibiaThe Secret Garden Guesthouse


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Bismarck Street, Swakopmund, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 404 037
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Latitude: -22.6809688, Longitude: 14.524497

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dieter Cyriax


    Great food. Great hosts. Always. Full stop.

  • Dirk Ewald

    Dirk Ewald


    Friendly cosy place near to the waterfront, restaurants, shopping with secure parking

  • Doug Henderson

    Doug Henderson


    Great potential if the owner was less overbearing (sometimes downright rude). Good location with lovely fresh pizza available from the onsite restaurant.

  • en

    Diana Hunter


    Best pizza in town. My regular Friday night treat. Wonderful atmosphere and friendly hosts.

  • Håkan Sidh

    Håkan Sidh


    Both very nice and not so good... Negative: - room with a faint smell of mold, - insufficient ventilation, - old male manager seemed sick or in some kind of pain (or maybe he was rude because of his personality). Positive: + the truly secret garden (really nice), + location in the middle of Swakopmund, + very secure parking, + the nicest breakfast during the whole trip: the nice lady who organised the seating introduced us to the other couples and we ended up chatting and having a really good time.

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