Swakopmund Backpackers i Swakopmund

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NamibiaSwakopmund Backpackers



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15 Swakop Str, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 81 823 4620
internet side: www.swakopmund-backpackers.com
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Latitude: -22.684252, Longitude: 14.525208

kommentar 5

  • en



    We usually have an amazing stay at this backpackers, and have been at least 5 times. The last few times have made us reconsider our next booking though, which is sad. The pizza place next door is delicious, but the kids who come over to play while their parents eat make the atmosphere at the hostel almost unbearable. They were screaming, running all over the furniture, throwing balls at us while we eat dinner - it was awful. When asked to help, the hostel staff said their hands were tied. They tried to quiet the kids but they obviously had no effect when the parents sat idly by. The lack of toilet paper is also occasionally a problem, but we would still stay regardless of the TP situation. The kids on the other hand are hard to handle. I hope they fix this problem because otherwise this is such an amazing place to stay.

  • en

    Max Boll


    We had a great time at the hostel with the staff. We felt very welcome and Leonie helped us out with every question we had and did all she can to make our stay as good as possible. The decoration and furniture is beautiful and well done. Even the beds in the dorm are all made out of massiv wood with very comfortable mattresses. Thank you!

  • Matti Sippola

    Matti Sippola


    Nice and safe hostel close to sea. Car guards watch after your car overnight. Clean and good kitchen to make food on your own.

  • Will Wysong

    Will Wysong


    Nice enough place! Clean, relatively new, located walking distance from most points of interest in Swakop. It's a big place though so it can be a bit quiet and empty if it's not full up

  • Cuba304



    Backpackers like to located walking distance from town and most of the attractions like the Jetty. Decent clean facilities at good rates. Self service kitchen. There is a pizzaria on the premises which is nice. Does share part of an entrance with a casino area which is situated next door with a bar.

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