Strand Hotel Swakopmund i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaStrand Hotel Swakopmund



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Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 411 4308
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.6750909, Longitude: 14.5218318

kommentar 5

  • Bradley Harris

    Bradley Harris


    Fantastic location with sea views and the beach on the doorstep. 3 restaurants to cater for all tastes. Professional and friendly staff. Excellent facilities including a Spa and Gym.

  • Ekaterina Zlotnikova

    Ekaterina Zlotnikova


    Breakfast is perfect, interiors are modern and stylish. Free outdoor parking. No swimming pool.

  • en

    Cherell Willemse


    They hosted a conferance for the Journalism award, and Novacambios Bureau de change was available on site to assist with all the guest to exchange the foreign currencies with the best rates available, stunning services...

  • trevor nicholls

    trevor nicholls


    Why can't we do half as well in Europe where service is a disgrace and food and accommodation questionable in the main. So well done to all the staff in all the eating venues at The Strand Hotel. My suggestion-go to Europe and teach them how you do it on the edge of Africa. Oh yes by the way I'm European and spend, more or less, an equal amount of time in Southern Africa and Europe so am able to make a constructive comparison.

  • Tebogo Mabotja

    Tebogo Mabotja


    This place is great for both business and pleasure. There is a hotel feel to it when you are moving in-between the bedroom corridors, but it changes into a lively place downstairs with its various connected restaurants. The fact that the hotel is also a brewer of Craft Beer helps a great deal; and the meat is wonderful

nærmeste Spa

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