Pupkewitz Megabuild i Katima Mulilo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaPupkewitz Megabuild



🕗 åbningstider

Katima Mulilo, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 66 254 034
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -17.5032524, Longitude: 24.2677146

kommentar 5

  • George Sauriri

    George Sauriri


    They need to improve on customer care

  • abraham makili

    abraham makili


    A place to buy all building materials

  • Babette Taljaard

    Babette Taljaard


    Slow service but it has the usual things you need. Not the best but not the worst either.

  • Brian Likando

    Brian Likando


    I am in the building industry for quite sometime now. Surprise surprise; I went to this establishment today to check for some mosaic tiles I have been given assurances that they have been ordered for the last four weeks. All the time I go to these guys ; they tell me the stuff is on it's way and that went on for good three weeks. My capenter; electrician and plumber cannot compete the work on time. This third week I call the manager of the store; and was not that helpful; asking some funny questions wether I will be paying courier services if they were to be brought in? After three weeks of false promises; I reach this shop; this interesting specimen calls me to his office and start accusing of being rude after I spent more than n $200000.00 in that store. Really what a lousy service!!!

  • Nico Forbes

    Nico Forbes


    Help full and friendly

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