Prost Hotel Swakopmund Namibia i Swakopmund

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NamibiaProst Hotel Swakopmund Namibia



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42 Nathaniel Maxuilili street, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264
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Latitude: -22.6793217, Longitude: 14.5280269

kommentar 5

  • en

    Delores MM


    A sincere THANK YOU to the ENTIRE PROST HOTEL TEAM!!! The best experience ever from the day we arrived to the day we departed. I don't have words to describe just how great the staff made me feel, not just a guest in a hotel, but, like a welcomed special guest in their home. Breakfast included a variety of food and juices each day, including made to order omelettes, eggs, and grilled sandwiches. (THANK YOU BREAKFAST TEAM!!!) Lastly, but certainly not least, Debbie, Carlos, Imikeni and Charley, went above and beyond... exceptional service and hearts!!!

  • en

    Edison Basson


    Great value! Neat. Tidy. Exceptionally clean. Good breakfast. An absolute gem all around!

  • shaun maletzky

    shaun maletzky


    This hotel is one of the best in Swakopmund friendly service clean and beautiful rooms. their is just something about this hotel very good vibes.

  • James Evans

    James Evans


    The staff was pleasant but the check-in process took far too long. Also it was possible to hear other guests through the thin walls. Nothing like listening to snoring. Fortunately I had ear plugs. Otherwise the hotel is fairly comfortable and worth the price.

  • Marius Molnar

    Marius Molnar


    Mitten in der Stadt ist es dennoch vom Geräuschpegel ruhig. Was stört sind die lauten Geräusche der Wasserleitungen der Nachbarzimmer. Ansonsten waren die Zimmer, wir waren im Hof, ähnlich einer Lodge. Nur nicht so gemütlich. Es hat eher den Flair eines Geschäftshotels ähnlich den IBIS. Es gibt ansonsten nix auszusetzen. Freundlich, hilfsbereit, sauber.

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