ParadiseGarden Backpackers i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaParadiseGarden Backpackers



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Roentgen Street, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 81 280 9208
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.5637395, Longitude: 17.0718095

kommentar 5

  • en

    Germaine Mpofu


    Great place stay. Friendly and safe environment. The price is competitive. It almost feels like home. Love the use of environmental awareness and recycling. Swimming pool, shower and Wi-Fi. Its not flawless but it's perfect in it's imperfections. Always improving. Sorry I took so long to rate. Much love. Germain

  • Päivi & Santeri Kannisto

    Päivi & Santeri Kannisto


    Paradisegarden Backpackers is a treasure among Windhoek hostels. It has a family-like environment, lots of good company, friendly service, and a super cute cat and a dog. If you are searching for budget accommodation, this hostel should be on the top of your list.

  • en

    Thomas Weber


    We visited this backpacker a couple of times! Always very friendly service, cute dog and lots of interesting people to meet. You can book amazing trips as well. Price-service ratio is very good. They speak English, Afrikaans, German and Spanish (and maybe even more languages)! I like it easy-going atmosphere!

  • en

    Noah Steinrock


    Beds we're too old, fridge is falling apart. You can see, that the owner dont Invest annnny Money in that Backpacker, whats very sad. The Receptionists and tue Security Guard were very Friendly and Nice. Without them would it be 0 Stars!

  • en

    Rebekah Hook


    Awesome, low key place to stay. The location is great and you can either walk or take a $10 taxi into town. Outside area has a pool and several cushioned lounge chairs. Full kitchen and they offer breakfast and lunch. No bar but they do keep beer and wine in the fridge for sale. Really clean place. Can't say enough positive things will definitely stay here again.

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