Oshakati Country Lodge i Oshakati

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaOshakati Country Lodge


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Robert Mugabe Avenue, Oshakati, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 65 222 380
internet side: oshakaticountryhotel.com-namibia.com
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Latitude: -17.785967, Longitude: 15.699693

kommentar 5

  • Muddy Tv

    Muddy Tv


    It's okay Prices have increased mainly food and drinks Don't know about the rooms though. I hope the price is reasonable.

  • Stefanus Iyambo

    Stefanus Iyambo


    Has the best pool in town.

  • Tracy Brogden

    Tracy Brogden


    Very disappointing, pool was green, infested with insects, bad smell. Unstable and unreliable wifi, generally dirty, lots of spider webs, booked out after 1 night awful stay.Air cons do not work in the rooms, rooms need upgrading and a good clean and coat of paint. Hotel has the potential to be wonderful however needs to be looked after. On a good note, food was yummie.

  • Last Alpha

    Last Alpha


    Food came at a reasonable price and within good time frame. Friendly staff. They have cats which creep up under clients' sits. It's scary and annoying.

  • es

    Bruno M. Olivença Fernandes


    Buen trato, cordialidad y profesionalidad.

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