Organic Square Guesthouse i Swakopmund

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NamibiaOrganic Square Guesthouse


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Rhode Allee, Swakopmund, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 463 979
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Latitude: -22.6825839, Longitude: 14.5273708

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anni K


    It was clean, comfortable and nicely decorated. Wifi was ok till good and staff was friendly. We did not have hot water in the shower, when we arrived, but I guess this was a one time incident and is sometimes not avoidable. The issue was fixed within hours. We had one issue with the laundry Service costs, so better clarify before.

  • Christie Jason

    Christie Jason


    Nice place to stay, beautiful room's and good breakfast and lovely

  • en

    Eric Kuhn


    The Organic Square Guesthouse was refurbished (out of a classic 50s family house common to this aria) with a lot of attention spent on maintaining the basic structure of that house and by that adapting itself very well to the neighborhood and keeping the atmosphere that makes Swakopmund so interesting. Sadly, the property walls were heightened to guarantee the security of the guests. But that is common in Southern Africa. The Philosophy of the Guesthouse is a ecological and sustainable living with small adaptations to suit the requests of guests( the breakfast was to organic for some visitors) The surrounding is quite safe and there is always a Guard from the neighboring Guesthouses. The town center and the shops are at a 5min walking distance were you can find groceries, adventure bookings, restaurants and souvenirs.

  • en

    Edgar Weber


    Very nice guest house with very friendly, helpful owners

  • William O'Shea

    William O'Shea


    Beautiful B&B, very elegant design. Loved my stay and the owners were very helpful for my car drive onward towards Etosha. Highly recommend.

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