Mugg & Bean i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaMugg & Bean


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Post St Mall, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 248 898
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Latitude: -22.5665813, Longitude: 17.0824327

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brad Corner


    Nice location overlooking the pedestrian mall area however I didn't enjoy the experience. Management lacking. Kitchen lacking. Service lacking. Won’t return.

  • en

    Emilia Taara Negodhi


    The best coffee in town. I worked there and still have the coffees small and the muffins lemon and poppy seeds. a kaluha cake. With house bland coffee or an all American breakfast with moca java...

  • Vladimir Losper

    Vladimir Losper


    Great location over looking the pedestrian walkway, food is fine but the service is slow .. been there a couple of times wifi never works

  • en

    yannick leger


    Horrible service today there, the waitress totally ignored us, we ordered bottomless but did never get a refill offered. Long wait for the food and really not worth the money. The waitress had no smile no, thank you no interaction at all... very disappointed... Also no toilet paper at the restrooms, overall not a good experience.

  • Matti M

    Matti M


    Great location overlooking the pedestrian street, on the second floor of the shopping mall. We went here for a Sunday brunch. The menu is extensive, unfortunately the food is not as delicious as it sounds and the service is pretty slow.

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