Monkey Puzzle Cafe i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaMonkey Puzzle Cafe



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Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 461 717
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -22.6569695, Longitude: 14.5366648

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alexandra Schimanski


    Indoor and outdoor Restaurant, super friendly service, variety of breakfast and other meals, fresh food quality, super adventurous, colourful playground and haven for families! Nice venue for birthday parties, good value to money, very good coffee.

  • en

    Charles van der Bijl


    Great food and friendly staff. Nice playground to keep the kids busy while you are having your meal. Good value for money.

  • en

    Hanjo de Villiers


    A good go-to place in Swakopmund. Relaxed atmosphere and good for kids.

  • en

    Louis Nel


    Beautiful clean family location!! Seating arrangements provides for a spacious and comfortable feel. Staff is friendly and efficient. Selection of food is good related to pricing the quantity and quality. Takeout are available. Location is good with playground for kids. Parking space can be become little limited during peak periods but no major problem. Atmosphere is cozy and relaxed for a quiet break away or with the family. Desserts and cakes are fresh and delicious. Beverage selection includes a range of coffees, soft drinks and other. Attractive décor and the feel of happiness and fun. Acoustics and music was good.

  • Brendon Scott

    Brendon Scott


    Love it.... Something for the whole family. So relaxing. Perfect get together place for friends with kids. Even just coffee and a bite. So refreshing.

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