King's Highway Rest Camp (Self Catering & Camping) i Okahandja

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NamibiaKing's Highway Rest Camp (Self Catering & Camping)


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King's Highway Rest Camp, Okahandja, Central Namibia, Namibia, Okahandja, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 62 504 086
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Latitude: -21.99949, Longitude: 16.922

kommentar 5

  • Gash Emerita

    Gash Emerita


    The Chalet was very simple but very cute and clean. They had everything my family and I needed.. Plus very friendly staff.. I was pleasantly surprised and will happily return a million more times..

  • Howskoo Anton

    Howskoo Anton


    I experienced just that customer service , absolutely brilliant

  • Amanda Botma

    Amanda Botma


    Beautiful lovely over night camp . Friendly n helpful staff and affordable prices. Lovely neat n clean chalets n safe parking for your vehickle.

  • Munro Fam

    Munro Fam


    Lovely place. ALWAYS clean and save and great value for money.

  • Larisa Shamirian

    Larisa Shamirian


    Clean, nice facilities, and the kitchen was fantastic to cook and keep whatever in the fridge. There was also an electric kettle, pots and plates. They also have a table so we could enjoy our breakfast inside the kitchen instead of outside in the cold morning. A little bit noisy, so the highway is very close, I would recommended if you need to sleep in the town. The craft market is very close to check it out, and grab a coffee in Brew is a must if you enjoy coffee. Just 400m far from the campground. The owners were very nice and welcoming to us.

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