Kentucky Fried Chicken i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaKentucky Fried Chicken



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Werner List Street, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 229 147
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.5625652, Longitude: 17.0833165

kommentar 5

  • Romanus Gustav

    Romanus Gustav


    Still making the best chicken. But service delivery needs to improve big time

  • Julene Swartz

    Julene Swartz


    Great Food ,, No Eating Area,, Lack A Little In Service

  • Lot Nekwaya

    Lot Nekwaya


    This place is in the middle of town in a really busy area and what is surprising is that it is never too full like the other kfc's in the city. Another thing about this place is that when other branches have run out of certain popular options like the dunked or zinger wings, they always seem to have it in good supply as not many people seem to frequent this place in my experience. It is one of the smaller kfc buildings you can find in terms of size. They have good wheelchair access. One of the issues you might find us that there is little direct parking but there is a taxi rank across the street with more parking available. The staff are generally friendly and very helpful which is not always the case at most establishments of this nature. I always enjoy visiting this place and would recommend it to anyone who is in the middle of town and is in need of a quick bite to eat in a quiet and discreet location.

  • en

    Gerhard Bezuidenhout


    Worst KFC ever. No stock. Staff do not want to work. Very rude. Waited 40 mins in drive thru.

  • en

    Endjahi Jafet


    Best go check it out you won't regret.. best food. Just higher price than hungry lion

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