Indulge Guesthouse i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaIndulge Guesthouse



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12, Moses Garoeb St, 0, Swakopmund, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 414 750
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.666108, Longitude: 14.527744

kommentar 5

  • Amir Ismail

    Amir Ismail


    Great accommodation, fantastic service. very friendly and helpful team. highly recommended!

  • Odette Vilonel

    Odette Vilonel


    Warm welcome feeling absolute stunning coffee and close to the beach

  • en

    Willem Jacobus Snyman


    Super friendly. A home away from home... pet friendly. View of the sea as you arrive. 5 min walk from the sea. Very quiet. Choose the wrap for breakfast. Verrry nice. We don't stay anywhere else when in Swakopmund.

  • en

    Gladyman Mlambo


    Very smart and affordable lodge. Spacious and clean rooms. Great for people who don't like noisy surroundings. Their breakfasts are plated and good enough. Other meals are prepared on request and orders to be made in time as ingredients have to be sourced. Don't expect meals out of this world though. Lodge also a walking distance from the beach- a couple of minutes' walk.

  • en

    Robert Mc Culloch


    Really great value for money. Delicious breakfast friendly staff, manager Rabbi most helpful. As Arnold says '' I will be back'' Robert and family

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