Hilton Windhoek i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaHilton Windhoek


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Rev Michael Scott Street, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 296 2929
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: -22.570407, Longitude: 17.085683

kommentar 5

  • Avikaar Ramphal

    Avikaar Ramphal


    Such warm and hospitable people! Lovely and spacious rooms. Also no need to carry an international plug adapter if you are coming from South Africa, as they make use of South Africa plug sockets. The breakfast and lunch is also very good, with a large variety on offer. The hotel also has great conference facilities

  • en

    chisanga mundubi


    We enjoyed family dinners and breakfast! Hospitable! The service and the meals were excellent!

  • AB Heintz

    AB Heintz


    We only stayed on night, but we had a very good experience. The room was spacious, stylish and comfortable. The only downside is that there is no door to the bathroom, which can make things awkward if you are traveling with a friend or your kid. The breakfast buffet was delicious and with a wide variety. This would be a good place to end your stay if you've been on a long, hot safari trip.

  • Nikki Lacey

    Nikki Lacey


    I believe more than anything else that it was the staff that made our one night stay an enjoyable one. The meals were adequate and though stating there was 24hr room service, when attempting to order something to the room after midnight, we were courteously informed that this was not quite the case. However every effort was made to accomodate our wishes and the staff from any dept we engaged, were incredibly friendly and polite.

  • Esty Memory Emosho

    Esty Memory Emosho


    In the centre of the city. Excellent staff and service. Spacious and beautiful interior and architecture. First class feelings. Swimming pool and bar on the balcony is the best. Beautiful city view by the way.

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