Grand Canyon Spur i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaGrand Canyon Spur



🕗 åbningstider

Independence Avenue, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 231 003
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Latitude: -22.560677, Longitude: 17.083782

kommentar 5

  • salom titus

    salom titus


    it was freakin crazy

  • Andrew Nik

    Andrew Nik


    Food is not bad, burgers taste like real burgers unlike other fast food places. They got to work on the customer service though, lots of staff wandering around apparently not knowing what to do or chatting to each other and avoiding the customers.

  • Heinrich Ehlers

    Heinrich Ehlers


    As usual the food is excellent... but the rest: Horrific! All staff needs training including your managers. NO customer service, I had to get the attention of the waitress and the manager, sitting down. Begging to have an air-conditioner to be put on, then asked to move table and area as where they decided which one to put on. Needles to say there were less than 5 people in the restaurant at 16:00. Staff sitting everywhere where there is a comfortable spot and yawning away while I was wiping your Spur-serviette around the table to find it very dirty. You have a lot to learn from Maeroa Mall Spur. They have excellence. Disappointed that no Spur standard has been kept here, doubt I'll visit you in the near future. And yes. I will be in contact with head-office.

  • vanique louw

    vanique louw


    BAD. Our waiter is slow and doesn't communite. He didn't introduce himself. Doesn't enquire whether we are still ok. Our orders were not as we requested. Cutlery was only provided after the food. Sauce was removed without asking if it was still being utilized. The food was cold.... New butterfly prawns were extremely oily. This Spur is not good

  • en

    Tunga Dumeni


    I love this place because people are friendly and they also have a place for to play with sometimes they also give free stuff and i like their happy birth day songs, food and milkshakes. That's way I love it and I will always love it

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