Godenfang - Urban Farm and Kitchen i Walvis Bay

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NamibiaGodenfang - Urban Farm and Kitchen



🕗 åbningstider

22, Atlantic Street, Walvis Bay, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 81 719 8981
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -22.9589826, Longitude: 14.4868583

kommentar 5

  • Tracy van Schalkwyk

    Tracy van Schalkwyk


    Best food, most amazing staff who always make you laugh and the loveliest couple who run the roost. Would recommend this to anyone who would like good dining and a fantastic atmosphere ❤️ Thank you for sharing xx

  • Lance Hurly

    Lance Hurly


    Tasteful decor. Uncomplicated menu with some interesting combinations. Service and food excellent.

  • cobus van der walt

    cobus van der walt


    There's a nostalgic, peaceful vibe radiating from this fine restaurant. Amazing food and the friendliest of staff especially Rudolf. Two thumbs up

  • angelique de Klerk

    angelique de Klerk


    Superb food, top quality service and amazing vibe. Would definitely recommend Godenfang to any local or persons traveling. Also love the fact that you guys are pet friendly, makes you feel right at home.

  • Ludwig Fortmuller

    Ludwig Fortmuller


    A very good find! Quality food at competitive prices. We received a very friendly welcome and service. They have not been open long, but are running on all cylinders. Small menu of well prepared dishes.

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