Goba Lodge & Restcamp (Camping Area) i Gobabis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaGoba Lodge & Restcamp (Camping Area)


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Gobabis, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 62 564 499
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Latitude: -22.4490993, Longitude: 18.955037

kommentar 5

  • Jesse Dann

    Jesse Dann


    Owner-manager Louise is a warm and well-organized lady. I hope you get to say hello! We stayed at the campsite, site 4, and enjoyed the privacy, hot solar shower, ablutions (with provided soap and hand towel) as well as excellent wifi! Breakfast is scenic and tasty. Pool is clean. Be sure to visit “lekker” another of Louise’s establishments in Gobabis. Slow town coffee served! Goba Lodge is a bastion of the community with 17years of community patronage, it’s ethos includes local economic development, nature conservation and quality service at reasonable rates. Thanks for a lekker stay!

  • Reuben Mmereki

    Reuben Mmereki


    Very nice people with great sense of humour... their cat is huge😂😂 I swear that thing is wild

  • Dunk Storr

    Dunk Storr


    The campsite feels a bit neglected stuck onto the back of the hotel style accommodation. There are several open pitches to choose from with electricity hook ups. You get a view over some land containing a variety of local animals wandering around. There's a kitchen up at the back and a small lounge that you can use to get out of the sun, rain, wind etc. If you get stuck in town, it's the best (only?) place to camp.

  • Keryn Ryan

    Keryn Ryan


    A long wait for food. Food is good.

  • Beatrix Tshelakgosi

    Beatrix Tshelakgosi


    The accommodation is good &food it's nice quite different animals it's a rest place

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