Emerald Bed And Breakfast i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaEmerald Bed And Breakfast


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Best Street, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 81 279 3787
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Latitude: -22.563184, Longitude: 17.066461

kommentar 5

  • it

    Luigi Musumarra


    Posto molto tranquillo e pulito con una colazione super! La vera forza di questo bed & breakfast è la simpatia dei proprietari. Abbiamo avuto il piacere di passare con loro una serata chiacchierando davanti una buona bottiglia di vino. Grazie per averci fatto sentire a casa😉

  • en

    Hendrik Feris


    Very good and safe place to stay with ample parking and good breakfast

  • Ike Phiri

    Ike Phiri


    Owned by a lovely couple enjoyed my stay thank

  • Quintin Vee

    Quintin Vee


    Not the best place on earth but I actually really enjoyed staying here. The people are super friendly and helpful. The rooms are good and they offer air conditioners in some of the rooms with some good space if one is looking for some self catering. Close enough to drive to shops close by and a bit further is the mall with restaurants and more specialized shopping. I would recommend this place.

  • en

    Cindy Mazibuko


    The place is very beautiful and neat. With friendly people around. They make u feel at home.

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