Dr Suliman-Orthodontist i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaDr Suliman-Orthodontist



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2nd Floor, Centaurus Road, Maerua Mall, Windhoek, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 401 500
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -22.5846886, Longitude: 17.0937352

kommentar 5

  • Douglas Shaw

    Douglas Shaw


    As a dental professional myself I can tell you that Dr Suliman is second to none. If you are in the market for orthodontic treatment I highly recommend you go here.

  • en

    Alexander Chileshe


    I am having an amazing experience while getting my braces done at Dr Suliman's-Orthodontist. I am learning a lot about my teeth and my braces that I never knew about. Everyone is great and welcoming and you dont even feel like you are going for an appointment at times, thus making this exeperience all the more worth it and getting that nice bright smile at the end of the process. I recommend all that want that lovely bright smile to come get their braces done at Dr Suliman-Orthodontist; worth the journey and worth the smile.

  • Svenja Reimers

    Svenja Reimers


    Thank you for the amazing service and great results. You always made me feel welcome and part of the family. Thank you all. :)

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    Laura Obbes


    Thank you for the excellent service and always going the extra mile. You really made us feel part of the family. 1000 thank yous for Hannah’s beautiful smile 😊😀

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    Mirjam Hasheela


    Thank you Dr. Suliman for the miracle. Only now...I know that a smile does not cost anything...All you need is confidence which thanks to you... i have now. I can now smile all day every day. Thumbs up Doc.

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