Country Club Resort i Windhoek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaCountry Club Resort


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Windhoek, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 205 5911
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Latitude: -22.6164873, Longitude: 17.0783053

kommentar 5

  • Vetondouua Tjamuaha

    Vetondouua Tjamuaha


    Very clean,great service but the bathroom window don't close. Room 266

  • en

    Julian Dube


    Good food. Relaxing atmosphere. Conveniently located

  • en

    Maurice Connor


    Probably the best place to stay in Windhoek. Extremely professional staff and all the amenities are top quality. The food is fantastic with quick service, including room service. Definitely earns it's 4 stars.

  • Tobias Naeschen

    Tobias Naeschen


    I've been to the Country Club Resort now three times and really enjoyed it here. It's perfect if you are looking for a quiet place. A shuttle to town or to one of the nearby malls is offered for free and does give you at least some mobility if you do not want to rent a car. Furthermore the staff is very friendly and tries to assist you if there should be any problems.

  • Neil de Man

    Neil de Man


    Located on the outskirts of Windhoek it is easily accessible via the Western Bypass. This is a lovely resort in the Capital, providing a wide variety. There is lovely conference rooms for business needs. The casino provides a place to relax after a long day on the eighteen hole golf course. Be sure to visit this facility, friendly staff will ensure you enjoy your stay.

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