Checkers Waterfront Swakopmund i Swakopmund

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NamibiaCheckers Waterfront Swakopmund



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Platz Am Meer, 71 Albatros Street, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 400 540
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.6451494, Longitude: 14.527118

kommentar 5

  • Bernd Steinborn

    Bernd Steinborn


    Great shop with great Specials

  • en

    caroline markgraaf


    Love shopping here

  • Estelle Terblanche

    Estelle Terblanche


    Always nice to shop here

  • Hazeldine Binneman

    Hazeldine Binneman


    I don't even want to give a star at all!! Bad service and poor quality of Goods! The employees there are disrespectful and wants to help no one, wanted to get a Late from the machine's at the back and the lady said can't you see I'm busy but she was talking the whole time... Then I bought grapes and found spiders in them! Very poor.

  • en

    Marchell Vermaak


    I was extremely disappointed in Checkers at the waterfront. on my way to the store employees of checkers in uniform harassed me on the walk towards the mall, between 2 and 3 yesterday. then once arrived staff is unhelpful and ignore customer questions - I asked wheres the eggs and that got no response the lady simply walked away without answering at all.. Bad service bad attitudes. one star.

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