Cardboard Box Travel Shop i Windhoek

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NamibiaCardboard Box Travel Shop



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Windhoek, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 256 580
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Latitude: -22.5743122, Longitude: 17.079681

kommentar 5

  • Galba Tjaverua

    Galba Tjaverua


  • Octavian Nedea

    Octavian Nedea


    Dynamic, agile and very helpful travel agency in Namibia.Excellent service and quality. We had to change several times our booking plans for our last self-drive holiday in Namibia and Erika and Chantelle very helpful and efficient managing for us the desired changes in quite very short time, in peak season. Excellent webpage with a lot of useful information for newbies and returning tourists to Namibia.One stop shop for an unforgetable trip in Namibia.All kinds of bookings and reservations available (rent-a-car, lodging, tours, etc.).We'll repeat for sure.

  • fr

    Yassine BEN CHADLI


    Sonja à été d'une aide précieuse pour monter notre séjour et notre ange gardien durant notre séjour de 3 semaines. Le service est impeccable, l'écoute, attentive, chaleureuse... Le choix des activités et des nuitées adapté à nos souhaits. Vraiment parfait. De plus, ils connaissent parfaitement le pays et ces exigences. - Sonja in summer of a precious help to go up our stay and our guardian angel during our stay of 3 weeks. The service is impeccable, listens to him, attentive, freindly... The choice of activities and the overnight stays adapted to our wishes. Really perfect. Furthermore, they know perfectly the country and these requirements.

  • en

    Gail Lithgow


    Sublime customer service. This is the best service I have had from any company, let alone a travel agency. Advice was knowledgeable and from our experience from the actual self drive trip spot on. Emails were prompt and professional and all the plans/booking went ahead without hitch. Also helped us sort out a problem whilst in Namibia. Allison was a star and went beyond the expected to make sure we had a memorable special trip. Better option than using UK travel agent by far. We hope to use again when we return to this area of the world.

  • Leandro Hintz Mallmann

    Leandro Hintz Mallmann


    Simplesmente fantástico. Norelle é mais do que eficiente. Atendimento exemplar, dicas excepcionais e cuidado extremo com seus clientes. A diferença entre uma viagem normal e uma experiência antropológica.

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