Bohemia Book Shop i Otjiwarongo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaBohemia Book Shop



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Germania Street, Otjiwarongo, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264
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Latitude: -20.4611219, Longitude: 16.6480258

kommentar 5

  • Future Upi

    Future Upi


    They treat black people like trash

  • Ellen Bishop

    Ellen Bishop


    The coffee milkshake is amazing and the rock shandy is so refreshing. I love this place!

  • Riaan Brand

    Riaan Brand


    What a nice jewel in Otjiwarongo. The coffee, and light meals are great, and is well complimented with a peaceful garden setting under large trees. The books itself is a great attraction, but everything comes together when you are happily serverd by very friendly staff. Excellent option for a quick meal, or to kill a bit of time. Recommended without hesitation.

  • Danita de Waal

    Danita de Waal


    Peaceful. Enjoyed watching the birds, drinking coffee and eating cake. Bought a book or two.

  • Trish Cooper

    Trish Cooper


    A wide selection of wonderful second hand books. The best coffee in town. A great selection of fresh light meals. Excellent and friendly service and atmosphere. Perfect place to break ones journey or just relax with a friend.

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