Amjicaja Guesthouse i Walvisbaai

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaAmjicaja Guesthouse



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8, Temple Crescent, Meersig, Walvisbaai, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 206 225
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Latitude: -22.979127, Longitude: 14.485461

kommentar 5

  • Maggy Itl

    Maggy Itl


    Very beautiful place. Lovely outdoor area. Rooms are clean and staff very welcoming and friendly.

  • Carelynne Stander

    Carelynne Stander


    Nice place for an outdoor event! Owners very friendly and help where they can.

  • Christo van Dyk

    Christo van Dyk


    Awesome Guesthouse. Very neat, lovely bedrooms. But what makes this place stand out is the personal service from the owners, they went out of their way to assist us with any request! Above and beyond friendly service! Will def see me again!

  • Brett Riss

    Brett Riss


    The Amjicaja guesthouse is a wonderful stay just near the ocean. The owners are very hospitable and catered to our every need. It is very modern and the owners are obviously very well practiced in the business of keeping guests happy. It's good for weddings too as it has a beautiful wooden archway and a fully stocked bar for post wedding fun. Definitely one of the best places for a personalized stay in Walvis Bay.

  • Ina Swanepoel

    Ina Swanepoel


    We stayed at Amjicaja for a week while in Walvis Bay for work. It’s an excellent place to stay at and within walking distance from the lagoon. The rooms are spacious and clean and the breakfast every morning was amazing. The staff is very friendly and greeted us at the door every time we arrived. Even when it got busier towards the weekend, we still got personal service. I would definitely recommend Amjicaja.

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