aha Swakopmund Plaza Hotel i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Namibiaaha Swakopmund Plaza Hotel



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42 Libertina Amathila Ave, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 426 500
internet side: aha.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -22.6799109, Longitude: 14.5273627

kommentar 5

  • Louise Greyling

    Louise Greyling


    - Comfortable beds - Tasty breakfast or breakfast packs - Noisy corridors at night and early morning - Limited sound and light proofing in room




    It's a good place, clean and the staff a helpful.

  • Filippus J.P Shikongo

    Filippus J.P Shikongo


    The place got great rooms, the room service is the best, they refill a mini fridge in your room with alcohol everyday. It's really relaxed.

  • Chris Moshosho

    Chris Moshosho


    New hotel, clean, friendly staff, value for money. Breakfast was very good, hotel standard. I was guiding tourists and one of my guests cellphone disappeared while checking in at reception and there was no cctv to review. So, security needs a bit of attention at the hotel.

  • Marcelo B

    Marcelo B


    The hotel is new, somehow with a modern design. The staff is friendly and the rooms are nice and quiet. The breakfast is quite complete. As a new hotel it misses service experince and details here and there. I.e. it had no ice when we demanded or we had to carry our own luggage.

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