Royal Benguela Guest House i Swakopmund

NamibiaRoyal Benguela Guest House


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Tsavorite, Swakopmund, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 402 193
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Latitude: -22.6359297, Longitude: 14.5293542

kommentar 5

  • John de Villiers

    John de Villiers


    Great stay in Swakopmund.

  • Natalie Chun

    Natalie Chun


    Thoroughly enjoyed our one night stay here. This guesthouse felt very homey and warm in part due to the owner and staff. The room also had a lovely patio and the mattress and bedding were top notch. The guest house also provided a very nice breakfast. The only downside is that it is a bit far from the town center.

  • Paul Da'Prince

    Paul Da'Prince


    Awesome place! Friendly staff and good service

  • Chrs Hopkins

    Chrs Hopkins


    At the time I written this I'm still at the house and I loved every minute of it,

  • Neville Lampert

    Neville Lampert


    Recently returned from a road trip through Namibia and had a most pleasant and enjoyable stay with Adie, Mac and the their team at the Royal Benguela Guest House in Swakopmund. The service was excellent and the accommodation of a very high standard. Compliments for the attention to detail. Highly recommended.

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