Indongo Toyota Okahandja i Okahandja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaIndongo Toyota Okahandja



🕗 åbningstider

15, Voortrekker Road, Okahandja, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 62 501 722
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.9740597, Longitude: 16.9124899

kommentar 5

  • belinda mbanga

    belinda mbanga


    good service

  • Conrad Taljaard

    Conrad Taljaard


    Christo and his team go out of their way to help you and find you whatever it is you want or can afford. No sale is too big or small for these guys and they make the purchase experience hassle-free.

  • findano kemba

    findano kemba


    The environment is a little hostile, maybe it's the colour of my skin. Didn't like the experience at all.

  • Moshana Wilbard

    Moshana Wilbard


    They help me on time and they are happy people.

  • Trula Zoganas

    Trula Zoganas


    We were travelling to the coast on Thursday, 21 March 2019 and experienced vehicle problems. Fortunately the workshop was open, even though it was a Public Holiday. The gentlemen on duty i.e. Dries & Moses were most helpful and identified the problem immediatley, which they could repair and this was done at no charge. Their efficiency and friendliness is commendable. In the midst of stressing it was a relief to deal with proffesional and efficient people and will certainly recommend to anyone.

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