Coastal Dental Clinic i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaCoastal Dental Clinic



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Shop 3 Ocean View Spar, Vineta, Swakopmund, Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 462 202
internet side:
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Latitude: -22.641233, Longitude: 14.537574

kommentar 5

  • Etienne Fourie

    Etienne Fourie


    They went out of their way to assist me in my pain, even though they were fully booked.. Very Profesional.

  • Inga Knab

    Inga Knab


    My husband went there and got pain afterwards been promised a call back (called 3times) but nothing happened. Went there personally as nobody called me back... no space free. Last time they handed in my things for the insurance and awaiting approval today they never sent anything.

  • Jocelyn Vlaar

    Jocelyn Vlaar


    Whilst on my honeymoon a filling dropped out. Dr. Streit really went far in fitting in an appointment whilst taking my traveling and excursions into consideration. It didn’t take long before he got my mishap sorted perfectly.

  • Andrea Leech

    Andrea Leech


    Swakopmund is lucky to have the Coastal Dental Care team! Dr Streit and staff made me feel relaxed and in good hands. The dental care I received was top notch and I'll be happy to be making another appointment.

  • Venessa Mburuu

    Venessa Mburuu


    I am so happy that I went to Coastal Dental clinic, it is a great facility . They provided me an excellent service. Clean professional. Plus a wonderful friendly staff!

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