Camping Carhire CC i Windhoek

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NamibiaCamping Carhire CC



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36 Joule Street, Windhoek, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 61 237 756
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Latitude: -22.58601, Longitude: 17.076897

kommentar 5

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    Hertha Jannik


    Ein ganz grosses DANKE an Camping Car Hire und Exclusive Safaris and Tours, Wir hatten einen super Urlaub in Namibia :-) ;-) Planung war perfekt und das Auto lief super!!!! Klasse Service!!!!!!! Lieben Gruss aus der Schweiz Hertha und Ulf-Dieter

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    Johann Petrus van Staaden


    third time we rented here. had no problems and a good car. will return for our hunting trip again next year. cheers. jp

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    Olåf Køêrssens


    Amazing Trip! Good Cars! Friendly Staff! Will Visit Again!! Thanks Car Hire Team, Olåf

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    Amy Uptown


    I can really recommend Camping Car Hire. We just returned from a 2 week trip in Namibia. We the lucky enough to only have 2 nights of rain, even though there were some really big downpours while we were in Namibia. The roof tent was great, even in the rain and the truck managed the roads fabulously. We will be back and will recommend you to our friends :) Keep up the good work and the fab service.

  • Annique Engels

    Annique Engels


    Being a Namibian that now lives abroad. This is the place I come to when I want to rent a car for my holidays! ALWAYS friendly service from this amazing German family! Our car and equipment always in VERY GOOD condition! The best part of CCH is that they help and assist you with your tour planning. They are locals and know the good places! Cant wait to get back. Easy to us website in multi languages. Don't hesitate to contact them!

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