Cafe Rosso i Swakopmund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NamibiaCafe Rosso



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49, Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakopmund, NA Namibia
kontakter telefon: +264 64 406 339
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Latitude: -22.66846, Longitude: 14.53907

kommentar 5

  • Susan Wagner

    Susan Wagner


    Have been here often. Sadly, today the service was shocking! So slow and my husband had finished his meal before mine arrived. Located in the industrial area with American diner decor. Menu haa good variety. Toasted sandwiches are generous in size. Can recommend the chicken livers. But the waitresses badly need some training in speed and attentiveness.

  • Carl Snyman

    Carl Snyman


    Nice place

  • Ettienne Botha

    Ettienne Botha


    Love this place. So many winning factors, such as lunch buffets everyday, great coffee, a good place for the kids to burn their energy and of course Friday is Braai day.

  • Barkies Van Alles

    Barkies Van Alles


    Excellent service and wholesome food.

  • Johan Viljoen

    Johan Viljoen


    Whenever we are in Swakopmund we have coffee here. Great place for me, but the "ambience" of the place may not be to everybody's liking. Have coffee and let the kids play around in the safe play-area.

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